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Thank You for your subscription!

Pictures are worth a thousand words! We have 3 images to say that we value you as a subscriber, your journey is on and you are on the road to learn Gujarati! So.. Let’s see – we just said a few words. Are they worth only 3,000 words?

We are sure, your experience with the journey will be worth more than a million words! We are committed to this!

Let’s Start. Feel free to look at the courses and start learning. Our only suggestion is that you familiarize yourself with the Alphabets, Vowels and Vocabulary first before anything. Then start with first words and sentences before going over to any other course.

Alternatively, please email us and we will work out a learning path for your child. Please mention if your child is familiar with Gujarati. Do you speak Gujarati at home? Depending on the information you provide, we will work out a customized learning path suitable just for your child! Please note, there is no charge for this!